Kickstarter Part: Done!

Today the Kickstarter part of the campaign has ended, and we begin the journey of manufacturing Die of the Dead and getting it into our backers hands. If you missed the Kickstarter but are still interested, please send us a message or subscribe to our mailing list for further information. Thanks!


  1. Hey,
    I missed the Kickstarter campaign, but the game looks lovely! Is there a possibility to late pledge?

    • There will be, the pledge manager will go live as soon as the Kickstarter funding is approved. I’ll post an update when it’s done, so either send us an email and we’ll remind you, or join our mailing list. Thanks, Mark

  2. Oh my goodness, I somehow just heard about this and it looks wonderful! I just signed up for your email list, so that will be where I can hop onto the pledge manager for a late pledge? Thank you so much and congrats on bringing this game to life! (see what I did there? *shakes own head*)

    • Thanks! Hopefully the pledge manager will go live tonight, although it might end up being tomorrow, it all depends upon when the Kickstarter funding clears. I’ll post an update here when we do.

  3. Kristin Peters


    I just found kickstarter for the first time. OMG! This game is beautiful. Please let me know if there’s a way I can purchase!

    • Thanks Kristin! We should have some copies left over after we have shipped to all the KS backers. I’ll be posting an update on this blog as soon as that happens, hopefully very soon!

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